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Owning Your Own Personal Style

For the past few days or weeks, we've been reading a lot about love and how accepting one-self helped us be more confident and happy about what and who we are today. But to get things a little more mixed up and out of the box, let's try talking about fashion and clothes.

We may admit it or not, fashion has been a major player in our lives just like love.

So let's take a look at my ever so awkward style journey to making my own style.

During my childhood years most of the clothes I wore were either bought by my parents or hand-me-downs from whoever was older than me. Clothes would either fit or be a size smaller or bigger. Who wouldn't forget the Sunday dresses that were so itchy because of the tulle, color coordinated head-to-toe ensembles because my grandmother thought that wearing everything in one color shade was cool, and of course butterfly clip-ins because I thought they were hip. I guess as children, we don't have a say on what we want because of course we don't have the cash to pay for whatever we fancy. Not unless we're Suri Cruise who has her very own magic platinum card, then maybe we can just swipe away whatever we like and be as fashionable as her during those oh so idk days.

High school was a lot different though, it was the time when elephant jeans and bell bottoms magically made its way to our hips and legs. Everyone were gushing about who has the widest pants, who's pant trims were soiled because apparently walking with your pants sweeping the floor was all the rage. I guess the popularity was short lived because years before graduating - pedal pants, flair jeans, graphic t-shirts and chuck taylors dominated my closet. It was also the time salons introduced a new way of damaging your hair through "relaxing." Looking back made me realize that a lot of my dressing those days were influenced by fad and what everyone else were wearing, and not how I want to dress myself.

College on the other hand was bearable. At least at that time I learned that skinny jeans looked way better than flair jeans because wide-legged jeans washes out my petite frame, that it's alright to have closet staples than outrageous pieces because nobody else notices that I wore the same thing over and over again and that there are clothes that makes me feel a lot more confident than others. Slowly, I was learning on what makes my style personality.

Years passed, I learned that we have certain body shapes and that knowing what to wear to flatter your shape can work wonders. It's easier to dress when you know what pieces work best for your shape. Spend some time in the mirror and do a fair assessment of your body, then try on different clothes to see what works or not. Once you've nailed that down, begin to explore different styles.

Play with colors and textures, because sometimes unexpected pieces gel to create the perfect look. Don't be stuck-up thinking that certain colors only looks nice paired with the usual thing - think outside the box and be creative but don't forget to always have classic and go-to pieces like the famous black dress, plain white tees and flats.

And lastly, be aware of what you like and why you like it. Wear something that feels right not something that you think looks good because at the end of the day, your style is understanding yourself, what sizzles your bacon and maybe even why. You'd be radiating confidence and maybe people would want whatever you're wearing.

Always remember that your personal style evolves through time, it can't be bought nor forced, it comes from finding and expressing yourself. Continue exploring and looking for things that will tickle creativity, play dress-up and heck don't be afraid to commit a whole lot of fashion faux-pas. You may close your eyes and think why on earth you've decided to wear those horrifying pieces but at least you learned that it doesn't work for you and it may be best to donate it.

This article was migrated from our previous blog - desperate bridesmaids.


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